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Batch files

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Calling batch files


1. Batch files can be called within SSRS CMD


 call <name of batch file to execute>


2. Added to the SSRS CMD command line.


 ssrscmd call <name of batch file>



3. Scheduling a batch file can be run from the inbuilt schedule with Microsoft Windows.






Batch files are useful to automate multiple commands in a single file. To run a batch file you need to use the command call



Passing variables into the batch file. Enter the values after the call command. example batch file.




In addition to the list of commands there are additional commands that will be useful. There is an example script showing these commands in action







If exists

If not exists




there is an example to show the above commands working.





Exit batch file





Echo is used to output the item to the screen Echo [item]. If you want to output a new line to the screen use echo.  (no space between echo and .)




 echo Hello world


 this will output Hello world to the screen





This is used to enable or disable output the command before the command resultant output is displayed.




@echo on

         this will display the command


@echo off

         this will not display the command







this is a comment used to comment the batch file. No output to the screen



Goto <label>


the goto command allows you to go to another part of the batch file. Here is a example.. The goto label is called addreport to identify where to go in the batch file the same label must be placed in the batch file with a colon before the label. If the label cannot be found the script will stop with an error message.



1        echo Adding a report

2        goto addreport

6        :ret

7        quit


3        :addreport

4        rem this is the start of the part of the batch file that adds reports


5        goto ret




In this example above the flow control is listed as numbers to the left of the commands.



If Exists

If exists <file/folder> command to run.


 This checks if an item (file/folder) exists, if it does the command to run is executed

 Note the <File/folder> must be enclosed in quotes



         if exists "A Folder" echo the folder "A Folder" does not exist


If Not Exists

If not exists <file/folder>  Command to run


 This checks if an item (file/folder) does not exist, if it does not exist the command to run is executed

 Note the <File/folder> must be enclosed in quotes



         if not exist "A Folder" echo the folder "A Folder" does not exist




Example Script


rem this is an example to show the above commands

echo Starting example



if not exists "AFolder" goto createFolder

rem this is the line that runs if the folder AFolder does exist.



rem this lists all items in the folder and sub folders from the root

cd \

dir /s


rem rather than quit here use goto exit at the end so there is no risk of any other command running

goto exit



md AFolder

echo AFolder Created

goto dirListRoot




rem quit script
