The Migration log options are selected in Migration Selection Tab
The Logging folder is the Root folder where logging occurs. When a migration starts a new folder under the root folder location is created with the format Migrate_YYYMMDD_HHMMSS. This is where the files are saved.
eg. assuming the migration start as at 22nd August 2018 at 3:02:43pm the folder created will be
The folder contents depend on the checked items in the Logging selection above.
•Migration Log
•Backup items to ZIP file
•Backup items to folder
•Export Configuration to Excel
A file called Migration.logx. Detailed information of the migration- this is the same information show in the migration screen. It can be view a later time using the SSRS Migrate Log Viewer
Two ZIP files are created in the migration folder- and These hold the item contents migrated (excluding the datasource) in their respective folders.
Two folders are created in the migration folder - Source and Destination. These hold the item contents migrated (excluding the datasource) in their respective folders.
An Excel file is created in the migration folder called MigationSettings.xlsx. This is the export of the health check configuration. With each tab stored as a separate worksheet. Note passwords are not stored in the Excel file.