Copies a report
2000, 2005 (N), 2005 (I), 2008 (N), 2008 (I),2008r2(N), 2008r2(I), 2012(N), 2012(I), Azure
COPY <From Report> <To Report>
COPY [/?] displays help
<From Report> Name of the report to copy
<To Report> Name of the copied report
example: copy report1 to report2
For Native mode
CopyRep report1 report2
Note: Do not include the extension '.rdl' in native mode.
For integrated mode
CopyRep report1.rdl report2.rdl
Note you must include the extension in integrated mode.
•In general you should not used copyRDL but create a linked report using CreateLinkRpt.
•If there are spaces in the report names you need to quote the name
•Integrated mode need add the extension .rdl to the name of the reports.
•If the datasource cannot be found a warning will be given similar to this
In Native mode- note do not need .rdl extension
copyrdl report1 sales
In Integrated mode you will need to specify the .rdl extension
copyrdl report1.rdl sales.rdl
CreateLinkRpt | Create a linked report. |
SetReportDS | Link a datasource to a report |
CreateDS | Create a datasource |