creates a data source
2000, 2005 (N), 2005 (I), 2008 (N), 2008 (I),2008r2(N), 2008r2(I), 2012(N), 2012(I), Azure
CreateDS <Name> [/C:ConnectionString][/T:ConnectionType][/A[]] [/U:Username]
[/P:Password][/W][/I][/E:True|False] [/Q:Prompt]
[/?] Displays help
<Name> Name of the datasource
[/C:] Connection String
for SQL Server /C:"Data Source=<INST>;Initial Catalog=<DB>"
where INST = Instance (server\Instance) and DB=Database
[/T:] Connection type SQL (SQL Server),OLEDB,OLEDB-MD (SQLServer SSAS),
Note: the connection type can be custom ensure the spelling is
correct as it is not validated
[/A[]] Connection using Account
/AU - User running report
/AS - Stored securely on server MUST SPECIFY USER+PASSWORD
/AI - Windows Integerated security
/AN - Not needed
[/W] Use as Windows Account, note: only valid for /AU and /AS
[/I] Impersonate user, note: only valid for /AS
Note: Username and password are only valid with /AS
[/U:un] un = Username
[/P:pw] pw = Password
[/E:] Enabled data source true or false. Default is True
[/Q:] Prompt Query if not specified default value is used.
[/O] Overwrite if data source exists.
createds myDS /c:"data source=dev1;initial catalog=master" /t:SQL /as /w /u:dev1\administrator /p:fred
This example creates a datasource called myDS in the current folder.
/t: The connection is to SQL Server /t:sql
/c: The connection string defines the database as master and instance of dev1 "data source=dev1;initial catalog=master"
/as Stores securely the username and password.
/w The user account is a windows account not a SQL server account
/u The username is administrator in the domain dev1
/p: The password in this example the password is fred
Note if there are spaces in an item it must be contained in quotes. In the above example for /c: you can see there is a space between data and source so must to be enclosed in quotes.
/c:"data source=dev1;initial catalog=master"
CreateAll - Upload from disk one or more reports, models, data sources
CreateLinkRpt - Create linked report
CreateModel - Upload from disk one or more models
CreateDS - Create data source
CreateRes - Upload from disk one or more resources
CreateRpt - Upload from disk one or more reports