To list the tasks use the command GetTasks
For tasks use
GetTasks /o:catalog
For system tasks use
GetTasks /o:system
To list the roles on the server use the command GetServerRoles
by default this command lists roles and system roles you can filter the list
for roles
getserverroles /o:catalog
for system roles
getserverroles /o:system
Use the command getrole <role name>. Use the command GetServerRoles to list the roles.
eg. getrole <role name>
Note if there are spaces in the <role name> you must enclose in quotes:
eg. getrole "report builder"
use the command setrole
eg. create a new role
role name (/n:) : demo role
role description (/d:): description for role
tasks (/t:) : View models
: Consume reports
setrole /n:"demo role" /d:"Description for demo role" /t:"View models" /t:"Consume reports"
1. The role name and role description are enclosed in quotes as there are spaces in the items
2. you can add more than one report in the above example there are 2 tasks added to the role.
to amend a role use the command SetRoleProps
SetRoleProps /N: [/C:] [/A:][/D:]
/N: Name of role
/C: Role Description
/A: add task
/D: delete task
Note: /A /D are mutually exclusive
Add new tasks to a role called devUsers. Note you can add multiple tasks to a role
setroleprops /n:"devusers" /a:"consume reports" /a:"Manage models"
to remove a task "Manage models" from the role devusers
setroleprops /n:"devusers" /d:"Manage models"
to change the role description
setroleprops /n:"devusers" /c:"a new description"
to change the role description and add roles
setroleprops /n:"devusers" /c:"a new description" /a:"consume reports" /a:"Manage models"
to delete a role use the command delRole
Delete role called devUsers
delrole /r:devUsers
If the role name has spaces eg dev users then this must be enclosed in quotes
delrole /r:"dev users"