Get datasource(s) for a report(s)
2000, 2005 (N), 2005 (I), 2008 (N), 2008 (I),2008r2(N), 2008r2(I), 2012(N), 2012(I), Azure
Get data sources assigned to a report(s)
GetRptDS Report|Folder [/S]
GetRptDS /?
[/S] Include Sub folders
to get the datasouces for a report
Getdatasource <report name>
eg. find the datasouces in a report called sales. In this example can see there are 2 data sources. Highlighted in red and blue
\>getrptds sales
Report: \sales
Report Datasource name: DataSource1
Server Datasource Name: \Data Sources\ds1
Report Datasource name: DataSource2
Server Datasource Name: \Data Sources\ds1
There are 2 datasources
Reports found : 1
Missing datasources : 0
Here is an example of a report where a data source is missing (highlighted in red).
You can see there are 2 data sources for the global sales report both do not have a data source linked.
Report: \sales\Report Project1\Global sales
Report Datasource name: DataSource1
Server Datasource Name: *** Not defined ***
Report Datasource name: DataSource2
Server Datasource Name: *** Not defined ***
There are 2 data sources
•Use /s to process all reports in the folder and sub folders.
•There is a summary an the end to show how many reports are missing data sources. This can be used to quickly identify if there are any reports missing a data source.
•Note if used with SSRS 2008r2 or later this will also show shared datasets
GetDS - List shared data sources.
GetDSNoRpt - List data sources not linked to a report
GetRptDS - List report data source (and shared dataset for SSRS 2008r2)
GetRptNoDS - List reports with missing data sources (and shared dataset for SSRS 2008r2)