List report(s) with missing data sources.
2000, 2005 (N), 2005 (I), 2008 (N), 2008 (I),2008r2(N), 2008r2(I), 2012(N), 2012(I), Azure
GetRptNoDS [Folder] [/S]
GetRptNoDS [/?] displays help
[Folder] if no folder is specified current folder is used
[/S] only valid with folder, will recurse sub folders too
•Note if used with SSRS 2008r2 or later missing shared datasets will also be displayed.
GetDS - List shared data sources.
GetDSNoRpt - List data sources not linked to a report
GetRptDS - List report data source (and shared dataset for SSRS 2008r2)
GetRptNoDS - List reports with missing data sources (and shared dataset for SSRS 2008r2)