Commands to upload items
If a shared data source does not exist first create a data source. The command to create a data source is createDS
Example create a data source in the current folder called myDS with the data source details server: dev1 database master storing the windows account dev1\administrator and password fred.
createds myDS /c:"data source=dev1;initial catalog=master" /t:SQL /as /w /u:dev1\administrator /p:fred
To upload reports and resources use the command createAll
Example upload reports and resources from the folder c:\ssrsDeploy to the report server folder \sales. The /o is used to overwrite the items and /s is used to include sub folders.
createall /f:\sales c:\ssrsDeploy /s /o
To upload resources use the command createRes
Example: upload resources from the folder c:\ssrsDeploy to the report server folder \sales. The /o is used to overwrite the items and /s is used to include sub folders.
createRes /f:\sales c:\ssrsDeploy /s /o
To upload reports use the command createRpt
Example: upload reports from the folder c:\ssrsDeploy to the report server folder \sales. The /o is used to overwrite the items and /s is used to include sub folders.
createRpt /f:\sales c:\ssrsDeploy /s /o
To upload reports use the command createShrDS
Example: upload shared datasets from the folder c:\ssrsDeploy to the report server folder \sales. The /o is used to overwrite the items and /s is used to include sub folders.
createShrDS /f:\sales c:\ssrsDeploy /s /o